


“Ethiobraz” documents the meeting of Paal Nilssen-Love’s Large Unit big band and Ethiopian dance/music ensemble Fendika at Molde Jazz Festival in 2018. Joining them as a special guest is guitarist Terrie Ex, who was a key component in getting making the meeting happen with his long involvement with the Ethiopian music scene. And, Paal Nilssen-Loves’s first travel to Ethiopia was with The Ex in December 2009. This changed his life. Paal’s first travel to Brazil was in June 2013. This also changes his life. Large Unit was established during fall of 2013. During numerous trips to both Ethiopia and Brazil, Paal established many contacts to schools, clubs, presenters, musicians and dancers in these two countries. The music he wrote for Large Unit were heavily informed by these trips and meetings, and fusing these influences together with the Scandinavian free music sensibility became an important factor in the Large Unit sound.

When Large Unit turned five years it was time to bring all these sources together and celebrate more than just the five years of the band, but also the collaborations with musicians and dancers in both Ethiopia and Brazil. Therefor Ethiobraz. 22 musicians and dancers together on stage. It could be argued that this is the most accessible recording in the Large Unit catalogue, and there is no doubt that this is the first one you can dance to all the way through.

The band will tour Europe in June 2020.

PAal Nilssen-LOVE



Large Unit had its debut concert at Molde Jazzfestival 2013. Since then the band has toured and done concerts all around the world. Ethiopia, Brazil, Japan, North America and Europe. There´s a total of 7 different releases; CDs, LPs, book with CDs, EPs etc.



Large Unit comes in many shapes and sizes and have done many different projects since the early beginning:

Large Unit
Selected Tracks 2013-2017
Rio Fun
Erta Ale
First Blow

Large Unit EthioBraz

Extra Large Unit
More Fun Please


The band

Paal Nilssen-Love – drums & compositions
Julie Kjaer – alto sax, flute
Kristoffer Alberts – tenor sax, alto sax
Klaus Holm – alto sax, baritone sax, clarinet
Niklas Barnö – trumpet
Mats Äleklint – trombone
Jon Rune Strøm – double and electric bass
Christian Meaas Svendsen – double and electric bass
Ketil Gutvik – guitar
Per-Åke Holmlander – tuba
Kalle Moberg – accordion
Tommi KeränenTommi Keränen – electronics
Andreas Wildhagen – drums
Celio de Carvalho – percussion
Christian Obermayer – sound





UPCOMIng events

We’re workin’ on it. Come back in a while!

PAST events


13th October Forli Open Music Festival Forli Italy

12th October Jazz Goes to Town Hradec Králové Czech

11th October Situ Art Society Bonn Germany

21st September Laboratorio Arte Alameda Mexico City Mexico

20th September EFAD School Mexico City Mexico

18th September School Concert Queretaro Mexico

17th September Teatro Morelos Queretaro Mexico

15th September Bar Bacal Mexico City Mexico

14th September Foro Arreola, Casa del Lago Mexico City Mexico

14th September Sala Rosario, Casa del Lago Mexico City Mexico

29th August Meteo Festival Mulhouse France

5th July Motvind Festival Oslo Norway

28th April JazzAhead Bremen Germany



We’ve put together a teaser from all of our albums here.
If you’re interested in buying our music, please visit PNL records’ bandcamp page or Catalytic Sound
… or better still, come to one of our concerts!

Large Unit with Fendika


Released in 2019

Track list: 1. Zelesegna, 2. Capoeira Mata Um, 3. Anbessa, 4. Fluku, 5. Gue, 6. Shellele, 7. Nargi, 8. Gonder,
9. Hay Loga, 10. Tezeta

More Fun, Please (excerpt)
Extra Large Unit

more fun PLEASE

Released in 2018

Track list: More Fun Please

Large Unit


Released in 2018

Track list: 1. Fluku, 2. Springsummer, 3. Playgo, 4. Happy Slappy

Happy Slappy
Large Unit

Selected tracks 2013-2017

Released in 2017

Track list: 1. Happy Slappy, 2. Springsummer, 3. Ana, 4. Fendika, 5. Fortar Hardar,
6. Culius

Large Unit


Released in 2017

Track list: 1. Ana, 2. Riofun, 3. Circle in the Round

Large Unit

2015 (book + 2CDs)

Released 2015
Track list: CD I – 1. Tommi Keranen & Andreas Wildhagen, 2. Thomas Johanson & Mats Äleklint & Per Åke Holmlander, 3. Julie Kjaer & Ketil Gutvik & Jon Rune Strøm, 4. Klaus Ellerhusen-Holm & Christian Meaas Svendsen & Paal Nilssen-Love
CD II – 1.Fortar Hardar, 2. Ana, 3. Circle in the Round, 4. Erta Ale II, 5. Fendika
Preview <– of the book

Rio Fun (excerpt)
Large Unit


Released in 2015
Track list: 1. Rio Fun

Fortar Hardar
Large Unit

Erta ALE (3CD BOX / 4LP BOX)

Released in 2014
Track list: I – 1. Round About Nothing I, 2. Fortar Hardar, 3. Fendika, 4. Birdbox (feat. Klaus Holm), 5. Round About Nothing II, II – 1. Culius, 2. Erta Ale, 3. Slow Love (feat. Christian Meaas Svendsen), 4. Austin Birds, 5. Birdbox (feat Mats Äleklint), 6. Round About Nothing III, 7. Birdbox (feat. Andreas Wildhagen)
+ Live CD from Möers Festival

Large Unit

First blow

Released in 2014
Track list: 1. Culius, 2. Motfølge



For more info and booking, contact agent Danielle Oosterop here.